Our mission is to provide quality residential fire sprinkler design, material ordering services, and sprinkler components to our customers, at a competitive price. In the new and unpredictable single family home market, Residential Design is your best partner in the home fire protection market.
Stock Listing

A successful residential fire sprinkler project does not stop with shop drawings and a permit, this is only the beginning!
Residential Design provides a material stock list for each job. Our stock listing process is fast and will assist in ordering the correct style, type and manufacture of products specified in the permit shop drawings.
Residential Design does not manufacture any fire sprinkler components or pipe, so we provide expert advice about the products you request. In today's competitive world it is easy to get all of your components from one manufacture but we will provide you with competitive pricing on the vendors you choose so that you can pick and choose the best products at the best price for your project.
Included in our standard stock list are: a parts description, and manufactures part number, quantity of each component, list price and total cost for all parts at list price.
Once the stock list is complete the installing contractor can you this list a valuable tool to insure a successful project.
Early ordering of material and a solid understanding of expected material costs will aid in the budgeting and bidding process.
Contact us today for your fire sprinkler stock listings.